Over 20 000 maintained transmissions
In 4 cities
Patented method



Tallinn/KadrinaDiagnostics of the automatic transmission

The transmission is the most complex electro-mechanical device of a modern car, being significantly more complex than an engine. At the same time, the transmission is more difficult to diagnose because it has few sensors and transducers to make the vehicle's transmission computer (TCU) perform a self-diagnosis.

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Tallinn/KadrinaTransmission maintenance and dynamic oil change

With the experience of 8 years and over 10 000 automatic transmission's maintenances, we have developed a dynamic oil change method in Hõbenool, which ensures the best quality of maintenance.

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KadrinaRepair and restoration of an automatic transmission

Since dismantling the transmission from the car and putting it back on is a lot of work and a time-consuming job, just like disassembling and assembling the transmission, it forms a substantial part of the repair invoice.

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KadrinaRepair and ristorateon of torque converters/turbines

As it is a closed detail (unavailable to a standard repair shop), car manufacturers do not offer repairing of this part, but it can only be replaced with a new one. Fortunately, however, torque converters can be repaired.

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Dealership in Kadrina

Flora, Kadapiku küla, Kadrina vald 45212
Tel: +372 522 7858 (maintenance)
Tel: +372 5191 0067 (repair, aquablast)

Mon - Fri 8.00 - 17.00

Dealership in Tallinn

Tähnase tee 2/3, Peetri alevik, Rae vald 75312
Tel: +372 5191 5001

Mon - Fri 8.00 - 17.00


Savi 5/3, Pärnu
Tel: +372 5191 0259

M-F 8.00 - 17.00

Dealership in Tartu

Vana-Kandi tee 1, Kandiküla, Tartu vald 61404
Tel: +372 522 7858

Mon - Fri 8.00 - 17.00